Big Points in Three Cushion
A book by Andreas Efler
$ 37.99
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Table of Contents
359 pages
281 positions
197 videos
84 3D-models
Long-Short-Long and Short-Long-Short
Double Around
Double-the-Rail Shots
Cross-Table Shots
One-Rail-First Shots
Two-Rail-First Shots
Three-Rail-First Shots
Back-to-the-Rail Shots
Kiss-Back Shots
Other Solutions
"Big Points in Three Cushion" is a collection of three cushion solutions for tricky positions, divided into the different dessins. The solutions are explained in detail, using diagrams and symbols. 197 videos from two different perspectives are supposed to translate the theory into pictures. 84 interactive 3-D-models of the billiard table make it possible to view the positions from different angles.
It is not a book for beginners, but meant for three cushion players who have already learned a solid technique, who are familiar with easy positions and want to know more about the possibilities to solve difficult positions in a useful way.
Hint for users of the Mywebsport System
All positions in this book are stored in the Mywebsport-System. The three balls can easily be positioned using the laser. At the beginning of the explanation of a position you will see the number where it can be found in the Mywebsport-System in parentheses, e.g.: position 179 (MWS 204). Following you can find a step-by-step description of how to work with the Mywebsport-System:in → select „Reference Positions“ at the top right → folder „Mywebsport“ → „Literature“ → „Efler-Big Points“ → „Load Reference Positions“ → scroll down to position 204 (or alternatively use the filter before loading the reference positions).